This is My iQuiz Free! This is a fun game to test basic and complex knowledge featuring 6 Categories and over 56 Questions! in this game you get three lives to start out with, every time you get one wrong you lose a life. If you get three wrong your done! But on the up side if you get a question right you gain a point. if you get ten right you will be awarded with an extra life! 20 - 2 lives, 30 - 3lives, ext.
Please have fun and comment for what we should add in the next update!
Please note - This is the first version of the app if you would like more questions please wait about 5 days so we can add over 75 more questions. Thank You a-lot and always HAVE FUN!!!!!
-Nic B.
©Nic Birosik app development 2013-2014 all rights reserved.
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